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Day trips in CA
2/11 to 2/15

   2/11/2022 - Flight to CA    

Sunrise on the flight from Tulsa to Dallas.  One of the best I've ever seen.

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   2/12/2022 - 4 places in the Owens Valley   

Pics and video at Red Rock Canyon, stopped at Fossil Falls for a short hike, lunchbreak at Dehy Park in Independence, and lastly we attempted to drive up to Cottonwood Lakes, but the road was closed because of road conditions due to the weather.  Hard to image snow above us when it was over 80° where we were.

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   2/13/2022 - Driving south   

San Diego first, where we went to the Cabrillo National Monument on Point Loma, then driving over the Coronado Bridge and the Silver Strand, then eastward to Mt. Laguna, 50 miles away, and 6,000 feet higher.

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   2/14/2022 - The attempt to see the Trail of 100 Giants   

After driving 191 of the 200 miles to see the giant Sequoia trees we found the road closed only 9 miles before our destination.

To say we were disappointed would be an understatement.  But we did enjoy spending a little time at the Johnsondale bridge.

2022-02-14 - 01

© 2022 By Steve Schott

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