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4 Sierra Nevada Trips

   March 20 to 25, 2014   

Our trip to the Sierras started as all good trips to the mountains should - with a late breakfast at Carl's Jr in Mojave!

   May 22 to 29, 2014   

5/25 - day trip with Phil Toma out near Edwards AFB.

5/27 & 28 - fishing trip to the Sierras with Dad.

   August 14 to 24, 2014   

8/16 to 8/18 - Sierra trip with Phil Toma

8/20 to  8/22 - Sierra trip with Mom and Dad

   November 28, 2014   

A one day trip up to mammoth Lakes and back with Dad and Zach Wood

© 2022 By Steve Schott

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